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Deutsch-Finnische Handelskammer
Go to Market Training: From Goals to Results
Deutsch-Finnische Handelskammer
Unioninkatu 32 B
Ort auf der Karte zeigen
22.10.2024 · 09:00
22.10.2024 · 12:30

Sign up here

In cooperation with LMI Finland, we organize the Go to Market training: From Goals to Results (Tavoitteista Tuloksiin®) on Tuesday, October 22. from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m


In this training, the most important steps of entering the market are thoroughly reviewed. In addition, you will learn to prioritize and delegate more effectively. You will learn how to motivate yourself and your team members and strengthen team productivity and group dynamics.

Our training gives you the necessary tools to succeed in the German or other market and to understand the business culture.

The goal is to develop participants and companies

  • organizational and planning skills,
  • work productivity,
  • time management and
  • internationalization skills and competence.

During the morning, we go over the basics of the Go-to-Market strategy, tools for identifying and understanding the right target group, ways to engage customers/partners, and refine the market- and customer/partner-specific sales promise.

The training is aimed at companies targeting the German market and already operating there.

The training will take place on Tuesday 22 October 2024 from 9 am to 12:30 pm at the premises of the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce, Unioninkatu 32 B, 00100 Helsinki (5th floor).

There are limited places for the training course.

The training fee for our members is 450€ + VAT. (non-members 650€ + VAT).

A small breakfast, coffee, tea and soft drinks are offered in the training.

Sign up here