Creating digital end-to-end customer services: Pitfalls & best practices
Tapahtuman kieli
Tapahtuma alkaa
26.04.2022 · 10:00
Tapahtuma päättyy
26.04.2022 · 11:00

Osana Member-for-Member ohjelmaamme toteutamme FinDeWebinaareja myös yhteistyössä jäsenyritystemme kanssa. 26.4.2022 puheenvuoron sai jäsenyrityksemme Bluugo, joka jakoi kokemuksiaan ja tietotaitoaan koskien yritysten digitalisointiprosesseja. Webinaari oli kaikille avoin, ja sen kieli oli englanti.


Here you get the presentation materials.


Creating digital end-to-end customer services: Pitfalls & best practices

ERP systems are the wrong tool for digital transformation – Guarantee your competitiveness in the future with customer-facing digital services & enhanced customer experience

In the rapidly developing business world of today, going digital and reshaping existing business models has become a necessity across all industries. Customers are demanding more seamless service experiences and traditional factors such as price and quality are not enough to guarantee competitiveness anymore.

Most decision-makers have already noticed this shift but going through with the digitalization projects and implementing new solutions is causing a lot of challenges. One of the pivotal reasons for this is the wrong type of toolset in use – many companies are trying to build modern digital solutions with traditional IT tools such as ERP systems.

Join us in the upcoming webinar to learn how to avoid the common pitfalls of digital transformation projects by choosing the right kind of mindset and tools for the job. As a case study you will hear how BUFAB, an international company specialized in industrial C-parts, has transformed the traditional business of nuts and bolts into a modern end-to-end digital service!