Saksalais-Suomalainen Kauppakamari
Aue-Lecture 2024: German brand names as a mirror of social history (1894 – 2014)
Saksalais-Suomalainen Kauppakamari
Unioninkatu 32 B
Näytä kartalla
Tapahtuman kieli
Englisch | Deutsch
Tapahtuma alkaa
17.09.2024 · 16:00
Tapahtuma päättyy
17.09.2024 · 18:30

Brand names reflect the actual values of a society often more clearly than party programmes, parliamentary debates or curricula – this is the thesis of Prof. em. Elke Ronneberger-Sibold. For two decades she taught German linguistics as a professor, with focus on brand names and advertising language, among others. Also, he initiated e.g. the interdisciplinary master's program "InterculturAd – intercultural advertising".


As part of the Aue Lectures 2024, a lecture series by the Aue Foundation, we are organizing this lecture event in cooperation with the Aue Foundation. We cordially invite you as our members and partners. Prof. Ronneberger-Sibold will give this lecture in English as well as partly in German.


A good brand name should not only identify the denoted product unambiguously, but also advertise it. This works best if the name addresses by association the positive social values of the market on which the product is offered. As the creators of brand names make use of these values merely as a means to an end, without wanting to influence them, brand names sometimes reflect the actual values of a society more clearly than, e.g., curricula, party programmes, parliamentary debates or the like. In brand names, people are confirmed in their values, so to say, at the breakfast table.

In her lecture, Professor em. Elke Ronneberger-Sibold will examine various brand names for their value-based associations. The current and historical German brand names she presents reflect more than 120 years of German social history.


16:00 Coffee

16:15 Welcome speeches: AHK Finnland, Aue Foundation and University of Oulu

16:30 Lecture & discussion (hosted by Sandra Reimann, University of Oulu)

17:30 Aue foundation reception

18:30 End of event